muallimah said>> "Salam, kak, macammana nak belajar khalifah method. my students only have 248 muslims out of 1600."
nurul ain said>> "Salam..I was inspired with ur entry..especially applying the khalifah method in class.kak ada x perkongsian tentang bagaimana nk handle non-muslim student?
Andalusia Baha said>> "ana dah baca dah kak..cuma nak aplikasi tula sukar skit..bercampurla..nonmuslim ramai..camne ye kak?.."
Alhamdulillah respon yang saya terima buat saya rasa bersyukur teramat sangat. Bersyukur kerana ilmu Khalifah Method dapat disebarluaskan pada pendidik. Berdasarkan pengalaman, saya bukanlah yang terbaik untuk memberi pandangan terhadap beberapa soalan yang di kemukakan oleh sahabat-sahabat. But my experince as a Khalifah teacher really proof that this method is applicable for both Muslim and non-Muslim students.
I quote words from a Khalifah Trainer, Sister Sherina :Untuk aplikasi Khalifah Method dalam kelas non-muslims, tekankan bahawa setiap orang lahir dengan potensi untuk cemerlang tidak kira bangsa/agama
That's what I do.
Set firm, reasonable rules for your students
First time I entered my class, I made rules and make sure everytime I'm in class, I keep consistent applying the rules. Rules that a teacher make will discipline the students. Yes, it will take times but as for me, the consistency in applying the rules will eventually showing the result. Firm but kind, that's Khalifah Method.
Ajar mereka untuk "Kawal Diri" (Self-Control). This is the important part.
Give warm praise to your students for any good things they do or good characteristics they show
Rewards are best given immediately after any response by a child that is considered to be good, and is more likely to see it happening more often in the future. This is Fitrah.
Rewards are different according to suitable situation. Rewards can be given in term of words of praise, words of encouragement, give children attention and acknowledgement for the good things that they have done or sometimes; but not too often, be in the form of gifts or presents.
Ajar mereka untuk "Kawal Diri" (Self-Control). This is the important part.
Give warm praise to your students for any good things they do or good characteristics they show
Rewards are best given immediately after any response by a child that is considered to be good, and is more likely to see it happening more often in the future. This is Fitrah.
Rewards are different according to suitable situation. Rewards can be given in term of words of praise, words of encouragement, give children attention and acknowledgement for the good things that they have done or sometimes; but not too often, be in the form of gifts or presents.
Therefore teachers need to be constantly sensitive and observant, so that the students realize the acknowledgement that they deserve for their positive behaviour. In thisway, students are guided to always act in a positive manner, and do not need to do negative things to get attention. Never hesitate to acknowledge even a small good deed done by your student.
By implementing Khalifah Method, you are following the Sunnah=)
A companion of the Prophet once said, “When I was little, I loved to throw stones at date trees so that the date fruit would fall down. One day, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) came upon me doing this and advised me to just pick up the date fruit that had already fallen from the tree, and not throw stones at the tree to make them fall. He then ruffled my hair and invoked a blessing on me.”
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was always light-hearted and tender with children, and never hit any child (or woman) in his entire life. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) always practised the concept of giving reward and not punishment in the matter of raising children to be right Muslim adults.
The Messenger of Allah, Muhammad S.A.W (peace be upon him) never scolded or raised his voice with children when he was advising them. He was always gentle when talking to children. A hadith from Sunan Abu Dawud relates:
A companion of the Prophet once said, “When I was little, I loved to throw stones at date trees so that the date fruit would fall down. One day, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) came upon me doing this and advised me to just pick up the date fruit that had already fallen from the tree, and not throw stones at the tree to make them fall. He then ruffled my hair and invoked a blessing on me.”
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was always light-hearted and tender with children, and never hit any child (or woman) in his entire life. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) always practised the concept of giving reward and not punishment in the matter of raising children to be right Muslim adults.
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